If you are looking for the best company who offers the best no medical exam product then you have come to the right place! Life can make you feel as if walking isn’t enough and you need to run to catch up. With all that running around how could you possibly undergo a medical exam? Well luckily, there are companies who offer amazing no medical exam products which we will be getting into below. We have made a list of 11 companies who we believe have the best no medical exam products and here it is:
- North American Company
- Sagicor
- American National
- Americo
- American Amicable
- Assurity
- Foresters
- Phoenix
- Fidelity
- Mutual of Omaha
- Ameritas
This list of companies is not in any order. We wish we can tell you which one is the BEST but that’s something you will have to figure out on your own based on your specific needs, health, and lifestyle. If we were to tell you which one is the best company of all, it wouldn’t do you any good because what is the best for one person may not be the best for another person. That is because everyone has their own set of specific needs, health, and lifestyle. However, we have made this list based on their no medical exam products, their prices, and their company strengths. In this article, we will be discussing what a no medical exam is, then we will go into detail of the no medical exam companies and what product is the best along with the benefits offered. If you need a no medical exam term life insurance quote, give us a call today or enter your info on our quote engine.
What is No Medical Exam life insurance?
No medical exam policies are literally what their name implies, it is a policy in which doesn’t require you to take a medical exam. If you choose a policy that specifically doesn’t say that it is a no medical exam policy then chances are you will have to undergo a medical exam. Like you saw in the video above, getting a no medical exam policy has a couple benefits and one of them being that they are the quickest way to get covered and can take up to 48 hours versus having to wait 6-8 weeks. This is a great policy for those who need a quick loan or simply for those who hate needles! However, these policies are typically limited to lower coverage amounts. You will also need to complete a medical questionnaire and if you have a medical condition diagnosed by your physician you may be better off having a medical exam because companies will undergo different background reviews such as the following:
- A Motor Vehicle Department report to see if you have had any DUI’s.
- They will check your Medical Insurance Bureau report to see if you have applied for life insurance before or if you have been denied for life insurance in the past and why.
- A Pharmacy report will be another document they will check to see if you have any medications or a list of all medications you have been prescribed over the last 5-10 years.
- A Credit history will be conducted by a few insurance companies.
North American Life Insurance Company
North American Life Insurance Company has been around for over 130 years and is one of the cheapest life insurance companies on the market. They are privately owned which allows the company to invest in more secure assets. This company is also ideal for those in the senior crowd!
Their best no medical exam product is their LifeVue Simplified Issue. This product offers the minimum face amount of $50,000 and the maximum face amount of $500,000. Their simplified issue term life insurance policy is available in 15, 20, and 30-year terms. This product is a simplified issue which means that the company will require you to answer some health and lifestyle questions but doesn’t require you to take a medical exam which is what makes them one of the fastest online life insurance policies out there. This product is ideal for those between 18-50 and has fast approval times. This product offers multiple underwriting classes such as Super Preferred, Preferred, Standard, Substandard, Preferred tobacco, Standard tobacco, and Substandard tobacco.
For more information read our North American Life Insurance Company Review!
A.M Best Rating of North American Life Insurance Company: A+
Sample no medical exam quote provided may vary depending on health and lifestyle. This sample is a 40-year old male with a preferred rate and is a non-smoker.
Face Amount | 10-Year | 15-Year | 20-Year | 30-Year |
$250,000 | $25.74 | $33.66 | $43.56 | $75.24 |
$500,000 | $45.32 | $60.28 | $79.20 | $145.20 |
$750,000 | $65.12 | $87.56 | $115.72 | $214.94 |
$1,000,000 | $79.64 | $113.08 | $150.92 | $277.64 |
Sagicor Life Insurance Company
Sagicor Life Insurance has been around for over 60 years and is available in 45 states and the District of Columbia. Sagicor definitely is one of the best no medical exam life insurance company and is one of the best life insurance companies in the U.S. If you have a health condition Sagicor Life is an excellent choice for certain health conditions such as diabetes.
Sagicor’s no medical exam universal life insurance ranges from $25,000 to $500,000. Their rates are very competitive but they excel in their fast approvals. Many times we have had clients who don’t want to undergo a medical exam and many of those times we have placed them with Sagicor because of their fast approvals. Their simplified issue no exam term and no exam universal life insurance policy can usually be completed in less than 30 minutes! Sagicor offers only three rate classes, Preferred, Standard, and Table rated.
With their term life insurance, you can get up to $1,000,000 with no exam.
For more information read our Sagicor Life Insurance Company’s review!
A.M Best Rating of Sagicor Life Insurance Company: A-
Sample no medical exam quote provided may vary depending on health and lifestyle. This sample is a 40-year old male with a preferred rate and is a non-smoker.
Face Amount | 10-Year | 15-Year | 20-Year | 30-Year |
$250,000 | $55.35 | $70.74 | $93.62 | N/A |
$500,000 | $100.40 | $135.18 | $180.94 | N/A |
$750,000 | $93.51 | $126.94 | $150.76 | N/A |
$1,000,000 | $116.68 | $164.78 | $195.03 | N/A |

American National Life Insurance Company
American National Life Insurance Company was founded by William Moody Jr. in 1905. American National Life Insurance Company is also known as ANICO. They are definitely one of the best no medical exam insurance companies on the market because ANICO makes getting life insurance so quick and easy!
ANICO offers three amazing no medical exam policies called Freedom Term Life Insurance, ValueGuard Whole Life Insurance, and Legacy Whole Life Insurance. For their no medical term life you can choose to have a term length of either 10, 20, or 30-years with of course no medical exam necessary. This product offers the maximum face amounts of $250,000 and approvals in less than 15 minutes. For their ValueGuard Whole Life Insurance, they offer protection for your entire life with face amounts up to $150,000 and with approvals in less than 15 minutes! ANICO’s Legacy Whole Life Insurance is another no medical exam policy but this one differs from the others because this product doesn’t ask any health questions whatsoever. This product has a coverage amount available up to $25,000 and is only available for ages 50-80 since this product is a guaranteed issue policy. This product has fixed premiums, fixed death benefits, and you can get coverage in as quickly as 5 minutes!
For more information read our American National Life Insurance Company’s Review!
A.M Best Rating of American National Life Insurance Company: A
Sample no medical exam quote provided may vary depending on health and lifestyle. This sample is a 40-year old male with a preferred rate and is a non-smoker.
Face Amount | 10-Year | 15-Year | 20-Year | 30-Year |
$250,000 | $27.68 | $35.16 | $40.61 | $64.48 |
$500,000 | $68.98 | $72.32 | $78.20 | $89.64 |
$750,000 | $98.09 | $109.44 | $114.53 | $202.16 |
$1,000,000 | $100.48 | $107.61 | $126.53 | $206.39 |
Americo Life Insurance Company
Americo Life Insurance Company was established over 100 years ago and boasts over 30 billion of life insurance in force.
Americo has a limited range of products when it comes to their no medical products but they are a good range! They have a term policy which provides an array of terms ranging from 15, 20, 25, and 30-years with death benefits up to $250,000 in coverage. These products don’t require a medical exam but minimal health questions will be asked. If the primary insured dies in an accident, an additional 25% of the death benefit will be paid as a part of the Accidental Death Benefit Rider which is included. There are other riders available as well for spouses and children, events of disability or critical illness, and additional methods of death benefit payout.
For more information read our Americo Life Insurance Company review!
A.M Best Rating of Americo Life Insurance Company: A
Sample no medical exam quote provided may vary depending on health and lifestyle. This sample is a 40-year old male with a preferred rate and is a non-smoker.
Face Amount | 10-Year | 15-Year | 20-Year | 30-Year |
$250,000 | $45.68 | $57.16 | $60.91 | $76.48 |
$500,000 | $78.98 | $82.62 | $88.75 | $99.68 |
$750,000 | $108.09 | $119.00 | $126.03 | $159.99 |
$1,000,000 | $200.87 | $212.74 | $225.05 | $248.15 |
American Amicable Life Insurance Company
American Amicable Life Insurance Company has been around for 107 years and has been offering innovative life insurance policies ever since.
American Amicable’s best no medical exam product is called Term Made Simple. This product offers level premium and obviously doesn’t require an exam. This policy comes in term lengths of 10, 15, 20, and 30-years and is available for anyone between 18-65 and even for those who are 75 years old (only eligible for a 10-year term). This product is renewable to age 95 and the face amounts range from $50,000 to $400,000. They offer affordable rates all around and their health classes are Preferred, Standard, and Standard tobacco.
For more information read our American Amicable Life Insurance Company’s review!
A.M Best Rating of American Amicable Life Insurance Company: A
Sample no medical exam quote provided may vary depending on health and lifestyle. This sample is a 40-year old male with a preferred rate and is a non-smoker.
Face Amount | 10-Year | 15-Year | 20-Year | 30-Year |
$250,000 | $58.72 | $67.46 | $72.01 | $79.68 |
$500,000 | $80.00 | $84.67 | $98.15 | $103.21 |
$750,000 | $110.14 | $126.50 | $137.90 | $164.23 |
$1,000,000 | $207.34 | $212.67 | $228.32 | $253.92 |
Assurity Life Insurance Company
Assurity Life Insurance Company has been around for over 120 years serving their customers. Assurity Life is a mutual organization which is important because it means that they have no shareholders or publicly traded stock and that Assurity’s shareholders share in their ownership.
This excellent company offers an amazing no medical exam product called NonMed 350 which is an application taken over the phone and is signed digitally and is available for anyone between the ages of 18-65. There is no medical exam, however, medical records may be requested from doctors. This product is available for term lengths of 10, 15, 20, and 30-years. Policies usually take between 2-4 weeks to issue but the face amounts are the minimum of $50,000 and the maximum of $350,000.
For more information read our Assurity Life Insurance Company Review!
A.M Best Rating of Assurity Life Insurance Company: A-
Sample no medical exam quote provided may vary depending on health and lifestyle. This sample is a 40-year old male with a preferred rate and is a non-smoker.
Face Amount | 10-Year | 15-Year | 20-Year | 30-Year |
$250,000 | $42.41 | $53.94 | $68.51 | $113.97 |
$500,000 | $78.74 | $101.79 | $130.94 | $221.85 |
$750,000 | $115.06 | $149.64 | $193.36 | $329.73 |
$1,000,000 | $151.38 | $197.49 | $225.78 | $437.61 |
Foresters Financial Life Insurance Company
Foresters Financial Life is a company who have been around for over 140 years and have more than 2 million clients all over the world.
Foresters have a product that offers final expense policy and it happens to be one of their most popular products called PlanRight Whole Life Insurance. This product offers permanent coverage and is a no medical exam policy in which offers a guaranteed level premium. You can choose this product to come fixed with the death benefit being 100% of the face value from the start, graded which causes your death benefit to be limited the first two years but you will receive the greater of the sum of the total premium paid with 4.5% interest of 30% of the face amount, or you can choose modified which offers a limited death benefit for the first two years based on the return of premium paid plus 10%, after the two years the death benefit is 100%.
For more information read our Foresters Life Insurance Company Review!
A.M Best Rating for Foresters Life Insurance Company: A
Sample no medical exam quote provided may vary depending on health and lifestyle. This sample is a 40-year old male with a preferred rate and is a non-smoker.
Face Amount | 10-Year | 15-Year | 20-Year | 30-Year |
$250,000 | $28.22 | $38.50 | $42.66 | $72.25 |
$500,000 | $50.31 | $70.88 | $79.19 | $144.38 |
$750,000 | $72.41 | $103.25 | $115.72 | $213.50 |
$1,000,000 | $91.88 | $134.75 | $150.50 | $259.00 |
Phoenix Life Insurance Company
Phoenix Life Insurance Company has been around for 166 years, which makes them among one of the oldest life insurance companies still on the market.
Phoenix Life offers one of the best no medical exam products called Safe Harbor Term Life Express. This product is available for anyone between the ages of 18-80 and the term lengths available are 10, 15, 20, and 30-years. You can convert to a permanent life insurance policy plus the face amounts for this product are between $25,000 and $400,000. They offer riders such as Critical Illness Rider, Chronic Illness Rider, Unemployment Waiver of Premium Rider, and Terminal Illness Rider.
For more information read out Phoenix Life Insurance Company Review!
A.M Best Rating for Phoenix Life Insurance Company: B
Sample no medical exam quote provided may vary depending on health and lifestyle. This sample is a 50-year old male with a preferred rate and is a non-smoker.
Face Amount | 10-Year | 15-Year | 20-Year | 30-Year |
$250,000 | $72.88 | $91.43 | $115.60 | $193.27 |
$500,000 | $139.55 | $176.66 | $224.98 | $380.32 |
$750,000 | $178.98 | $189.54 | $245.67 | $350.70 |
$1,000,000 | $201.00 | $223.43 | $230.87 | $277.64 |

Fidelity Life Insurance Company
Fidelity Life Insurance Company has been around for over 120 years and is one of the few insurance providers that have leveraged the benefits of technology to speed up the underwriting process creating truly innovative underwriting. By using their digital tool approvals for life insurance happens at a much more rapid pace. They continue to prove themselves as a top competitor dedicated to innovation and meeting their customer’s needs, the company currently has over $26 billion of life insurance in force.
Fidelity’s Rapid Decision Express product is a no medical exam policy in which offers approvals free from any hassles since they have amazing technology when it comes to their underwriting. Term lengths that are available with this product are 10, 15, 20 and 30-years for anyone between the ages of 18 and 65. There is obviously no need for a medical exam and they also don’t ask for medical records. Applications are normally completed in 10-15 minuted and approvals can happen within 24-48 hours. For this product, they only offer Standard health classes such as Standard non-nicotine and Standard nicotine.
For more information read our Fidelity Life Insurance Company’s review!
A.M Best Rating for Fidelity Life Insurance Company: A-
Sample no medical exam quote provided may vary depending on health and lifestyle. This sample is a 50-year old male with a preferred rate and is a non-smoker.
Face Amount | 10-Year | 15-Year | 20-Year | 30-Year |
$250,000 | $45.98 | $53.85 | $65.42 | $72.71 |
$500,000 | $82.01 | $87.98 | $92.10 | $98.10 |
$750,000 | $115.98 | $125.29 | $130.04 | $158.35 |
$1,000,000 | $201.58 | $210.74 | $238.51 | $262.97 |
Mutual of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Mutual of Omaha Life Insurance Company has been around for over 90 and you might have recognized their name for those of you who grew up watching Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom show.
Mutual of Omaha offers a pretty great no medical exam product called Term Life Express for anyone between the ages of 18 and 65. Face amounts for this product are the minimum of $25,000 and the maximum of $300,000 for ages 18-50. For ages 51-65 this product offers the minimum face amount of $25,000 and the maximum face amount of $250,000. This is a no medical exam policy but the company may require medical records. This policy has term lengths of 10, 15, 20, and 30-years available and policies take 1-10 days to issue. The riders for this product are Terminal Illness Rider, Chronic Illness Rider, Critical illness Rider, Residential Damage Rider, Waiver of Premium for Unemployment Rider, and Common Carrier death benefit provision Rider.
For more information read our Mutual of Omaha Life Insurance Review!
A.M Best Rating for Mutual of Omaha Life Insurance Company: A+
Sample no medical exam quote provided may vary depending on health and lifestyle. This sample is a 50-year old male with a preferred rate and is a non-smoker.
Face Amount | 10-Year | 15-Year | 20-Year | 30-Year |
$250,000 | $28.17 | $37.36 | $46.55 | $82.86 |
$500,000 | $46.55 | $67.55 | $85.49 | $155.92 |
$750,000 | $67.11 | $98.61 | $125.52 | $231.18 |
$1,000,000 | $83.30 | $123.55 | $163.80 | $296.80 |
Ameritas Life Insurance Company
Ameritas Life Insurance Company has been around for 130 years and is one of the many top “A” rated companies we work with. They are also part of a mutual organization which is the best way to develop long-term strategies and makes decisions in which benefit their policyholders.
Not many companies have recognized Ameritas and their amazing no medical exam product but they will once everyone finds out that they offer coverage up to $1.5 million, yes we said $1.5 MILLION OF COVERAGE. The product that offers this amazing face amount is called Focus 10 Life and can be issued up to age 70. This product offers guaranteed level premiums for 10 years and only requires one question if you are actively working or not. This product can be converted into a permanent insurance with no underwriting necessary and doesn’t automatically reduce benefits at older ages like many other products. Everyone make room for this amazing product because no other company offers a no medical exam product with coverage up to $1.5 million.
For more information read out Ameritas Life Insurance Company Review.
A.M Best Rating for Ameritas Life Insurance Company: A
Sample no medical exam quote provided may vary depending on health and lifestyle. This sample is a 50-year old male with a preferred rate and is a non-smoker.
Face Amount | 10-Year | 15-Year | 20-Year | 30-Year |
$250,000 | $29.24 | $37.20 | $81.70 | $88.58 |
$500,000 | $49.02 | $65.36 | $79.12 | $165.98 |
$750,000 | $70.09 | $94.60 | $119.11 | $245.53 |
$1,000,000 | $87.72 | $122.12 | $154.80 | $319.06 |
There are some special benefits connected to a life insurance policy with no medical exam. To know if it’s best for you, you should consider both the benefits and disadvantages of this type of policy. Understand that a traditional policy that does require a medical exam can take at least four to six weeks to get approved. This is because the insurance companies need plenty of time to be able to collect all of your materials to initiate the process at their home office. Someone will have to review all of your lab results and determine whether any additional medical information is needed and of course, all of this takes time. After the medical information concludes this is when the carrier starts the underwriting process to be able to give a total cost to the consumers. Without a medical exam, the biggest benefit is how much faster you can get coverage. Since there is no paperwork as far as your medical exam paperwork, there isn’t much for the carrier to go over and it will get your policy approved much more quickly than otherwise. This is perfect for people who have extremely busy schedules.
Who benefits from a no medical exam policy?
Like we mentioned before people who have extremely busy schedules are the #1 people who would benefit from a no medical exam policy. If you apply for life insurance with a medical exam, the carrier will want to know some questions about your background, including medical history and whether you are involved in any high-risk activities. Without a medical exam, however, the carrier won’t ask you these questions. If you have not taken a physical exam in 6 months or more and have developed a health condition but again HAVEN’T visited a physician to diagnosis this condition then you should quickly buy a no medical exam policy because there is nothing on paper that says anything is wrong with you. This is also a misconception, many people believe that if you have a medical condition you should buy a no medical exam policy but in fact it is not a good idea to do that because your condition is on your medical records and that will be released to your insurance company (depending on the carrier) and you will get rated much higher than you would have to take a medical exam with a traditional life insurance policy.
If you hate needles or have “white coat syndrome” which is also known as a phobia of doctors then you should buy a no medical exam policy because there are ZERO needles involved! For those of you who don’t need more than $500,000 of insurance then a no medical exam policy will benefit you as well because a handful of life insurance companies offer less than $500,000 but if you need more than $500,000 then we recommend you to take a free medical exam.
Most people get a no medical exam policy for the fact that it is offered to them quickly and they need it quicker than 4-6 weeks. Many banks tell their clients to buy life insurance in collateral for their loan approval just in case anything were to happen to them at least the life insurance would be paid out to cover their expenses. Also, those who need it in a hurry because of a court order would benefit from a no medical exam policy.
Types of life insurance available without a medical exam
When looking to buy a no medical exam you should be aware of the different types of life insurance you could buy that don’t require a medical exam. The following are the different types of life insurance and what they mean followed by what most policies offer as far as face amounts.
- Term life insurance- Term life is a form of temporary life insurance that provides you with coverage for a short and specified period of time. If you are between the ages of 21 and 65 you can purchase a term life policy without an exam for up to $500,000 in death benefits. You can choose your term length dependent on the carrier but most companies offer term lengths in 10, 15, and 20-year terms.
- Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance (GUL)– A Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance works very similar to term life with their no cash value but instead of the policy lasting for a specified duration a GUL offers level costs and average amount until a specific birthday regardless of changes in health. GUL policies offer a fixed death benefit of up to $500,000 and are available to those between the ages of 21 and 65.
- Level Death Benefit Whole Life- Whole life is a form of permanent life insurance and offers coverage that can last an entire lifetime. Level death benefit whole life tends to be expensive but they offer level death benefit which means the death benefit neither increases nor decreases. These policies are available for up to $50,000 in death benefits and usually expire at age 80.
- Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance (GI)- Guaranteed issue policies offer up to $25,000 in death benefits for those who are between ages 50 and 85 and have serious health issues.
- Graded Benefit Whole Life Insurance- If you have serious health issues such as type I diabetes, cancer, or heart disease you may qualify up to $25,000 in death benefits. There is a two year waiting period for beneficiaries to receive full death benefits and of course the costs of these policies are higher than others.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, looking for life insurance is a piece of cake, it’s looking for the best life insurance company where things start to get tricky. If you are uncertain whether or not a company above is the best company for you please feel free to give us a call so that we can make sure that the company you want to buy coverage from will offer you the best rate humanly possible. Work with us today, our services are free and we can help you narrow down the list of the best companies just by knowing their niches. Every life insurance company has their own niche and if you have any medical condition you will need to know these niches or prepare to pay a lot in premiums. We understand all of the 60 companies we work with and their unique niches. For example, if you have high blood pressure and the best company you choose is Foresters you may be charged higher than a company who specializes in high blood pressure such as American National, they would charge you less since that’s their specialty. Don’t wait any longer, let us find the best no medical exam policy offered by the best company for you so that you can spend more time with the ones who truly matter the most, your family.